I’ve really enjoyed my first year in business, it’s been a great experience and I’ve learnt a lot. One painful lesson, which I’ve had trouble accepting, is that I’m not a well-organised person. To some extent this deficiency has been offset by Intervals, which has been fantastic for keeping track of work. However, the program is only as good as the data you put into it and, as the business grows, it’s getting harder to keep everything up to date.
This week I decided to bite the bullet and ask for help. Happily, my partner has some of the qualities I lack, and has agreed to provide some assistance. We’ll now be having a regular breakfast meeting (10 minutes max) to look at what needs doing and to plan the day’s work. In return, I’ll provide some editing for a book that he’s working on. Of course, we’ll track all this in Intervals, to ensure that there’s a fair exchange of time.